
Forceful, persistent vomiting with or without fever in an infant under six months, or in any child if it is associated with fever or abdominal pain should be reported to us. Vomiting after a bump or blow to the head should also be reported. If your child is over six months of age, is alert, and has no fever or pain, simple occasional vomiting from “flu” or upset stomach can usually be handled without our help.

  1. Feed nothing for one hour after the vomiting.
  2. Offer small sips (one or two ounces) of clear liquids – ginger ale, PEDIALYTE,® gelatin water (avoid red) every hour for eight hours.

Fever is a temperature over 100°F, taken rectally. It is one of the body’s defensive measures. Medications like acetaminophen (TYLENOL®) to reduce fever may be given when the temperature is over 101°F. When your baby has a fever, give extra liquids such as water and juice. A rectal temperature is the most accurate. Ask our staff to show you how to do it at your first visit.

Any fever in a child less than six months old should be reported to us. First, be sure that the “fever” is not due to baby being overdressed in a room that’s too warm or being outside on a day that’s too hot.

If your child’s temperature is over 104°F, sponge off your child with room-temperature water (about 78°F), for twenty to thirty minutes. Do not make the water too cold or use alcohol, since this may chill your child. Ice baths should never be used at home. Fan your child so that the water evaporates on the skin – that’s what will cool your child down most effectively.