- Welcome Message
- Practice Policy Forms
- Schedule of Exams
- Vaccine & Immunization
- Prescription Refill Form
- Change of Address Form
- Family Medical History Form
- Patient Registration Form
- Records Release Authorization
- School/Sports Forms
- Patient Consent (18 yrs+)
- Parental Agreement (18 yrs+)
- ADHD (Vanderbilt) Forms
Schedule of Examinations
Childhood is a time of rapid growth and change. Your child will have more pediatric well-child visits when they are younger and developing the fastest.
Each visit includes a complete physical examination. At this exam, the health care provider will check the infant or child's growth and development in order to find or prevent problems.
The health care provider will record your child's height, weight, and other important information. Hearing, vision, and other screening tests will be part of some visits.
Even if your child is healthy, well-child visits are important because it is good time to focus on your child’s wellness. This means talking about what is being done well and how it can be improved. Preventive care is important to keep children healthy.
Please click on the following link to get "Well-Child Visits Schedule" as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Schedule of Examinations & Immunizations