- Welcome Message
- Practice Policy Forms
- Schedule of Exams
- Vaccine & Immunization
- Prescription Refill Form
- Change of Address Form
- Family Medical History Form
- Patient Registration Form
- Records Release Authorization
- School/Sports Forms
- Patient Consent (18 yrs+)
- Parental Agreement (18 yrs+)
- ADHD (Vanderbilt) Forms
APPOINTMENTS: (248) 856.6300
75 Barclay Circle, Suite 115, Rochester Hills, MI 48307
Dear Patient or Parent:
Our aim is to provide your children with quality health care. To ensure that everyone receives the service their health requires, we have employed the following list of policies. We request you to please respect these policies when bringing your child to our offices or communicating with our staff. Thank you.
- Practice Privacy Policy
- Immunization Policy
- Prescription Refills
- Referrals Policy
- Insurance Policy
- Financial Policy
- Vaccine Policy Statement
- Walk In Policy
- Appointments Policy
- Phone Advice
- After Hours
- Late Arrivals