- Welcome Message
- Practice Policy Forms
- Schedule of Exams
- Vaccine & Immunization
- Prescription Refill Form
- Change of Address Form
- Family Medical History Form
- Patient Registration Form
- Records Release Authorization
- School/Sports Forms
- Patient Consent (18 yrs+)
- Parental Agreement (18 yrs+)
- ADHD (Vanderbilt) Forms
Dear Parent or Guardian:
A young person is more likely to disclose sensitive information to a physician/nurse practitioner if he or she is provided with confidential services and has time alone with the health care provider to discuss his or her issues.
The most practical reason for the practitioner to grant confidentiality to an adolescent client is to facilitate accurate and appropriate treatment.
Experienced practitioners recognize that candid and complete information can be gathered only by speaking with the adolescent patient alone and by clarifying with whom the information will be shared. If an assurance of confidentiality is not extended, this may create an obstacle to the safe environment of the health care relationship.
Please click on the following link to download a copy of the "Parental Agreement For Confidentiality During Adolescent Appointments" form.
Parental Agreement For Confidentiality During Adolescent Appointments Form